My work covers a wide span of projects including robotics, machine learning and computer vision. This page highlights some notable projects


MR.CAP: Multi-robot Joint Control and Planning for Object Transport

C++ algorithm for multi-robot control and planning. Produces more efficient and scalable solution than other comparable approaches.

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Terrain Following and Obstacle Avoidance

Developed a terrain-following and obstacle avoidance algorithm for a UAV using a series of rangefinder sensors.

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waypoint planning networks

Waypoint Planning Networks

Hybrid learned motion planning algorithm based on LSTMs. Produces a more efficient and robust solution than other learned approaches.

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PathBench is an open source platform for developing, visualizing, training, testing, and benchmarking learned 2D and 3D path planning algorithms.

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one-shot learning

One-shot face recognition

Applied Framework for One-shot Face Recognition using Siamese Neural Networks in Python. Tensorflow, Keras, and scikit-learn.

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